Dean Laurie McCauley receives Ross Award from American Dental Association2 min read
Ann Arbor, Mich., Feb. 26, 2021 – Dr. Laurie McCauley, dean of the School of Dentistry, has received the American Dental Association’s Norton M. Ross Award for Excellence in Clinical Research.
For more than 20 years, Dr. McCauley has led a research program in hormonal controls of bone remodeling, parathyroid hormone anabolic actions in bone and prostate cancer skeletal metastasis.

Dean McCauley is the William K. and Mary Anne Najjar Professor in Periodontics and also holds an appointment as a professor in the Department of Pathology at the U-M Medical School. She joined the dental school as a faculty member in 1992 and was named dean in 2013. She continues to conduct scientific research, clinical education and clinical practice.
Presented annually since 1991, the Ross Award recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions in clinical investigations that have advanced the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of craniofacial, oral or dental diseases, as well as outstanding research endeavors in other areas. The award honors the memory of Dr. Norton Ross, a dentist and pharmacologist who spent most of his career in academic and research positions and elevated clinical research to higher scientific standards.
“It is an incredible honor to be selected for the Norton M. Ross Award, and I am truly grateful to the ADA for this recognition,” McCauley said. “I am fortunate for the outstanding students, colleagues and mentors who have been instrumental in the work for which I am being recognized. When I look at the individuals who have been selected before me, I am humbled to be among such a distinguished group.”
The American Dental Association, founded 162 years ago to promote dentistry and assist dentists, has 163,000 members.
More information on the Ross Award is available on the ADA website here.
The University of Michigan School of Dentistry is one of the nation’s leading dental schools engaged in oral health care education, research, patient care and community service. General dental care clinics and specialty clinics providing advanced treatment enable the school to offer dental services and programs to patients throughout Michigan. Classroom and clinic instruction prepare future dentists, dental specialists and dental hygienists for practice in private offices, hospitals, academia and public agencies. Research seeks to discover and apply new knowledge that can help patients worldwide. For more information about the School of Dentistry, visit us on the Web at: Contact: Lynn Monson, associate director of communications, at [email protected], or (734) 615-1971.