Alumni/Donors Dental Hygiene Events

U-M DH Alumnae Reunite in Boston2 min read

July 26, 2013

U-M DH Alumnae Reunite in Boston2 min read

Ann Arbor, MI — July 26, 2013 — More than 50 U-M School of Dentistry alumnae reunited during the American Dental Hygienists’ Association’s annual session in Boston last month. 

Beverly Morse Isman (BSDH 1972) and Jan Ellis (BSDH 1973) earned their bachelor’s degree in dental hygiene when Prof. Pauline Steele directed the DH program.

The annual session celebrated the 100-year anniversary of the founding of the dental hygiene profession and the 92ndanniversary of the creation of the School of Dentistry’s dental hygiene program.

Mary Layher (BSDH 1981), Lisa Dodge, dental hygiene administrative assistant; and Shirley Branam (BSDH 1998).

The U-M dental hygiene alumnae who attended spanned the leadership of the School’s four program directors — Dr. Dorothy Hard (1924-1968), Professor Pauline Steele (1968-1988), Professor Wendy Kerschbaum (1988-2012), and Professor Janet Kinney (2012 to present). 

Graduates of the dental hygiene program from the 1970s (L to R): Cathy Draper (MSDH 1978), Wendy Kerschbaum (BSDH 1970), and Carol Vukovich Spear (MSDH 1972).

Speaking to the group, Kerschbaum reflected on her years as program director and spoke about the importance of continually improving. 

“The status quo is not an option for Michigan’s dental hygiene program,” she said, pointing to the development of online dental hygiene programs for both the degree completion program and graduate dental hygiene program as examples of recent innovations.

Dental hygiene program director Janet Kinney, right, (BSDH 1983, MSDH 2007) and Kristy Weider (BSDH 2010).

Kinney highlighted “exciting innovations” in the curriculum including a focus on evidence-based decision making and health behavior change as well as renewed emphasis on ethics and professionalism. 

She also noted the School’s emphasis developing interprofessional education.  “There is a wealth of talent and knowledge we have among faculty, staff and students in the dental hygiene program at Michigan.  We want to share our oral health care knowledge that has been developed in clinics, classrooms, and community-focused research with other professionals so their patients will benefit,” Kinney said.
