Achievements & Awards Students

Sheridan Wins AAWD Award1 min read

July 25, 2013

Sheridan Wins AAWD Award1 min read

Ann Arbor, MI — July 25, 2013 — A dual-degree student in the final year of her dental education at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry is one of 10 dental students in the nation to be recognized for her achievements by the American Association of Women Dentists (AAWD).

Rachel Sheridan

Rachel Sheridan was the recipient of the Colgate-Palmolive Research Scholarship.  The award is presented to third- and fourth-year dental students who have distinguished themselves both academically and in their research.

Sheridan will receive a master’s degree in clinical research from the School of Public Health next month.  She pursued that degree while working at the Michigan Center for Oral Health Research where she was mentored by Dr. William Giannobile, chair of the Department of Periodontics and Oral Medicine.

Sheridan’s research focuses on possible relationships between systemic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, and periodontal disease.  “The research is interesting because it’s multidisciplinary and involves collaboration with colleagues in medicine and epidemiology,” she said.

In addition to her membership in AAWD, Sheridan participates in the ADEA Gies/AADR Academic Dental Careers Fellowship program, the School of Dentistry’s Scholars Program in Dental Leadership, and the AADR Student Research Group.  She also created an elective course for dental students interested in careers in dental education which is being implemented this academic year.

After receiving her dental degree next spring, Sheridan plans to become a post-graduate resident in periodontology and ultimately pursue a career in education.
