
Diane Hoelscher Appointed Interim Associate Dean for Academic Affairs3 min read

April 25, 2019

Diane Hoelscher Appointed Interim Associate Dean for Academic Affairs3 min read

Diane Hoelscher
Diane Hoelscher

Ann Arbor, Mich., April 25, 2019 — Diane Hoelscher, DDS, MS, has been appointed interim associate dean for academic affairs at the School of Dentistry, effective June 1, 2019.

Dean Laurie McCauley announced the appointment Thursday after consultation with the leadership of the school and with the approval of the executive committee and the U-M Board of Regents.

Professor Hoelscher earned her DDS degree from the University of Detroit in 1989, and her MS in Health Care Education from the University of Detroit Mercy in 2000. She became an assistant professor (1990-1997) and an associate professor (1997-2015) at the University of Detroit Mercy. She was appointed as the interim chair in the Department of Operative Restorative Dentistry (2002-2005), and as the chair of the Department of Patient Management (2004-2015) at the University of Detroit Mercy.  From 2015-2017, she was the senior vice president for professional development at the American Dental Education Association.  In 2017, she joined our school as an adjunct clinical associate professor.  She became a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics in 2018 and in 2019 was named to the U-M Interprofessional Leadership Fellow program for enhancing collaborations of health science schools across U-M campuses.

Professor Hoelscher has had a wide variety of pre-doctoral teaching responsibilities.  Since being at the School of Dentistry, she has taught in the pre-doctoral Vertically Integrated Clinics, is the co-director of the Community Based Collaborative Care and Education program, and is the course director of Clinical Applications of Direct Restorations. In addition, Professor Hoelscher has enhanced the comprehensive faculty development program for teaching and learning to include new content and evaluation and tracking mechanisms. As the senior vice president for professional development at the American Dental Education Association, she identified goals and developed an eLearning program for members and implemented the format and content to deliver an eLearning pilot site. Professor Hoelscher’s scholarly interests include dental materials and interprofessional and community-based education, with a special interest in the scholarship of teaching and learning. Her service contributions to the dental profession are notable both at the school and national level.

The responsibilities of the interim associate dean for academic affairs will include general oversight of all academic activities in the School of Dentistry, including admissions and student services.  The interim associate dean will serve as the chair of the School of Dentistry Curriculum Committee, as a steward for the educational domain in the school’s strategic plan, will provide general oversight of graduate specialty programs, general oversight of the academic calendars, schedules, room scheduling and other academic operational activities, will develop and implement budgets for the office of Academic Affairs, serve as the central contact for CODA issues, develop a school-wide faculty development program, and other duties as directed by the dean of the school. A formal national search for a permanent associate dean for academic affairs will be launched in the coming months.


The University of Michigan School of Dentistry is one of the nation’s leading dental schools engaged in oral health care education, research, patient care and community service.  General dental care clinics and specialty clinics providing advanced treatment enable the school to offer dental services and programs to patients throughout Michigan.  Classroom and clinic instruction prepare future dentists, dental specialists and dental hygienists for practice in private offices, hospitals, academia and public agencies.  Research seeks to discover and apply new knowledge that can help patients worldwide.  For more information about the School of Dentistry, visit us on the Web at: www.dent.umich.edu.  Contact: Lynn Monson, associate director of communications, at dentistry.communications@umich.edu, or (734) 615-1971.
