Edwards, White Receive ADA Awards2 min read
Ann Arbor, MI — September 26, 2013 — Dr. Daniel Edwards (DDS 1997), an adjunct clinical lecturer at the University of Michigan School of Dentistry, recently received the American Dental Association’s Golden Apple Award for Outstanding Leadership in Mentoring. The award recognizes an ADA member dentist who has demonstrated a commitment to helping students during their dental education.

Edwards teaches restorative sciences in the Department of Cariology, Restorative Sciences and Endodontics. He supervises 20 third- and fourth-year dental students in the School’s comprehensive care clinics as well as first- and second-year dental students who are developing their clinical skills.
Edwards is also the lead faculty advisor for the School’s American Student Dental Association and the Delta Sigma Delta dental fraternity. He created the Lunch & Learn program nine years ago to help fourth-year dental students become more familiar with some of the “outside the classroom” experiences they are likely to encounter after graduation. He also developed the annual Dental Specialty Night for third- and fourth-year dental students who are considering specializing after receiving their dental degree and served in various roles with the Michigan Dental Association.
New Dentist Leadership Award
School of Dentistry alumnus, Dr. David White (DDS 2003), received the New Dentist Leadership
Award. An adjunct professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Dental Medicine, White chairs the Nevada Dental Association’s New Dentist Committee. He also chairs the state’s Commission on Education Technology.
Unable to receive the award in person since his wife gave birth a week before the conference in Denver, White asked third-year dental student Kevin Goles, who is from Nevada, to accept the award on his behalf.